• We in heading into 2017. I personally find this time of year, every year, exciting. It is a reminder that, Lord willing, we have another 365 days to make a difference. I cannot remember a year that has not been exciting over the last almost 35 years of being a follower of Jesus. There have been great times and not so great times and just about everything in between. The one reality is that the Lord has been faithful.
  • I hope that you had a wonderful time over the holiday season. I know that it can be a difficult time for many. We will be launching our new series on Resolutions this Sunday. I will be taking the next 6 weeks to examine what I believe are the six most important areas of our lives. We will be looking at setting God honoring goals to grow in this New Year in our spiritual lives, personally, relationally and even financially.
  • Just a reminder to pray for our property development. Just before Christmas we were busy making, hopefully, the last changes to our site plans to be presented for our Conditional Use Permit. I will keep you posted on the development.
  • Our students had a great time at this year’s Teen Leadership Conference. I want to say thanks to Pastors Zac and Berney as well as the Hansens for their last minute use of a vehicle after the bus alternator died going through Gig Harbor. It was a blessing to me to hear of how the Lord touched our students again this year. Thank You to everyone that helped fund this event through the wreath sales and scholarships.
  • Just a reminder that we will be working on a new memory verse each month as a congregation. The January verse is Luke 11:34. I use the Scripture Typer App. (IOS and Android)
  • Our “Younger Adults” will be launching a new Bible study this Friday at the Fergusons. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Berney. If you are an adult and interested in getting together for encouragement you will want to be there.
  • Ladies, just a reminder that the new Ladies Bible Study has launched and is meeting on Wednesday evenings. Please contact Sharlene for more specifics.
  • Guys, there is a new men’s group that is starting on Tuesday evenings. If you are interested, please talk to Pastor Berney.
  • The Ladies Discipleship group meets the first Saturday of each month. The next meeting is Saturday January 7, 10am-Noon at the Ministry Center.
  • Just a reminder that Adam’s and Amanda’s wedding is this coming Saturday 4pm at Discovery Baptist Church in Gig Harbor. I hope you will join in celebrating with Adam and Amanda.
  • Just a reminder to our Team Leaders that our meeting from this past Tuesday has been rescheduled to this next Tuesday January 10, 7PM at the Ministry Center.
  • We will be kicking off our new series on “Resolutions!” I do covet your prayers as I prepare for this first message.