I want to give a shout out to Pastor Berney and Pastor Zac for their work on the Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference. It was great to hang out as guys and sit under the teaching of God’s Word. I know that I was challenged in several areas. Guys, just a reminder if you missed out that the Gilead Men’s Retreat is just around the corner. Let me encourage you to put April 5-6 on your calendar.

Guys, just a reminder that our Flapjack Fellowship is coming up on Saturday February 9th. This will more than likely be our last time at the Ministry Center. We will be picking up our study on understanding the Bible.

It was been another productive week on our site development. We were able to lock down the last outstanding item needed for our Site Development Permit re-submission. We now have paid the connection fees for water and sewer. Yes, our church pockets are a little lighter but it is another step forward. Let me encourage you to pray that this permit would be expedited and that other factors would work together to allow us to setup the Classroom/Office modular on the site.

We will be holding our 2nd Quarterly Business Meeting Sunday February 10th at the Ministry Center at 3PM. It is an important meeting dealing with a number of items related to the property development and discussion on a potential Worship building. Please mark your calendar.

Gals, just a reminder that the next Ladies Discipleship group is this Saturday February 2. Let me encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to rub shoulders with other godly women!

We are going to be offering another 101 Discovering Church Membership class in February. We are working to coordinate a Saturday for those that were not able to participate in January. If you are interested, please talk with Pastor Joe.

It has become a tradition each February to have a church Potluck. Our original plan was to have it on Sunday February 10th to coincide with Valentine’s day, but other factors have lead us to reschedule it for Sunday February 24th. Be sure to bring a main dish & dessert or a main dish & salad.

We will continue our work with February’s MMV focusing on Psalm 23:5. It is a reminder of God’s blessing in our lives. “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalm 23:5 ESV  If you need some accountability with working on your verse please check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)

We will take another step forward in our series “A New You” as we focus on digging deeper to understand the different aspects of Salvation. The last two weeks we have been laying the foundation to now begin to focus on some of the key blessings. I do appreciate your prayers as I prepare this week. Pray that the Lord would speak to me and through me.