• I want to give a shout out to Dr. Stacey McClain for all his investment in our Introduction to Theology class. I want to thank each of you who are in the class. Thanks for the positive feedback about the blessing it has been to you.
  • Superbowl Outreach! Connect with co-workers, friends and family for Superbowl Sunday February 9th. We are encouraging our congregation to host or participate in an event available to them to touch lives for Christ.
  • Church Potluck! Our next church potluck event will be Sunday, February 23rd following the AM Service. We are asking each family to bring a Main Dish and a Side (Bread, Salad or Dessert.)
  • Church Business Meeting! Our Church’s 2nd Quarter business meeting will be held following the AM Service and Potluck on Sunday, February 23rd.
  • Ladies Bunco Night! Gals this is a great outreach to invite a friend to a time of connection and fun. Friday, February 28 at 6:30pm in the Worship Center.
  • Introduction to Theology! You are invited to plug into our 10 week study with Dr. Stacey McClain as part of the Bridge Bible Institute Introduction to Theology class. The 2 hour classes meets on Tuesday evening at 6:30pm in the Worship Center.
  • Jr and Sr High Youth Bible Study will be meeting at the Parkinson’s this Friday evening at 7:00pm!
  • AWANA for students ages 2 years old through 6th Grade meets on Sunday Afternoons in the Worship Center from 3:30pm-5pm. The theme this week is King & Queen Night!
  • Corporate Prayer Opportunities: Our Sunday 9:30 Pre-Service Prayer meets in the 3rd-6th grade Classroom each week. Our Wednesday Night Prayer meets in the Admin Building at 6:00pm.
  • January Monthly Memory Verse is from our new sermon series: “Intentional Leadership” It is a reminder for each us to be encouraging others to serve Jesus. “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2 ESV.
  • Grab the Prayer App If you struggle with remembering to pray, let me encourage you to get the prayermate app for your phone. It is a great tool for encouraging God’s people to be more consistent in prayer. If you are interested check out www.prayermate.net for the IOS or Android prayer App. I am also available to help or answer questions.
  • We will continue our examination of the Qualifications of Godly Leadership with Part 2 in our “Intentional Leadership” series. Our focus on the Biblical qualifications for Overseers, Elders and Pastors with take us through the next section of qualifications. I do covet your prayer for the spiritual work of teaching God’s Word. Thanks for your prayer support!