• I wanted to give a shout out to everyone that has been praying for our Ministry. I also want to thank those that came out to pray this past Monday. It was a special time together. I am reminded that the Lord’s army marches on it knees.
  • I want to thank those that stepped forward to help with the ministry launch. Please be sure that you reach out directly to Pastor Joe or your Team Leader. It will be amazing how the Lord will work through us!
  • We are looking for a used “Flat Screen” TV for the church office. It you have one laying around, please contact Pastor Joe. We will be using it as a security camera monitor.
  • Just a reminder that Pastor Joe will be launching his Thursday Morning Men’s Group on Thursday, January 24, at 10am, at the Office. The Wednesday Men’s group meets at 7pm at the Office.
  • Just a reminder that the Property Team will be meeting Sunday January 24th at the Office. The time is still to be determined.
  • Six-8 Youth Jr high meets on Sundays 5-7pm at the Office. Sr High meets on Friday 6:30-8:30pm at the Schramek’s. The Tuesday night Youth Hangout 6:30-8:30pm out for both groups will continue to be at the Schramek’s. Please contact Pastor Zac for more information.
  • The good news on the building is that we got word that Wavecable will be on the calendar to be installed! Thanks for everyone that has been praying. This opens the door for “live” streaming services. The carpet is being finished today and minor items were addressed yesterday. The big task to be done are the sidewalk and porches.
  • Our Memory Verse for January 2021 is our theme verse for this year. “for we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 ESV If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android) www.BibleMemory.com
  • This week our focus in our “Moving Forward” sermon series will be on re-evaluating who we are as a church and where the Lord is leading us. Prayer does make a difference. Thank you for each of your prayers.