• I enjoy the snow. It seems to cause us to slow down and do things that we normally would not do. I hope that we were able to take advantage of the “snow days.”
  • Just a reminder to check the church website at www.alivinghope.net for any weather cancellations. We will also notify everyone that is on “The Realm” church application.
  • It is feast and famine when it comes to the church property. We started the process of completing the SDAP permit a couple of weeks ago. The final inspection was today. There are still a few items that need to be taken care of.  Please keep praying for power to be installed.
  • We are calling a Congregational Meeting to discuss moving forward with the purchase of a Worship Modular. There will be a special meeting Sunday January 26 3:00 PM at the church office to go over the specifics. This will be an informational meeting to get everyone up to date on what is happening.
  • Just a last minute reminder that the 101 Discovering Church Ministry CLASS is this on Saturday January 18, 9AM-3PM. If you are interested in learning more about Living Hope please contact Pastor Joe.
  • The Six8 Youth activity this Saturday from 10am-3PM will be a game day at the Schramek’s. You will not want to miss this. I am sure that adults would be welcome also. Reach out to Pastor Zac for more information.
  • We are also launching a Financial Peace University class starting Sunday January 26 at the Nelsons home. Please check out the bulletin this Sunday for more information.
  • Our first memory verse for the New Year is Galatians 2:20 ““I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20 ESV  If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This week we move into the biographical sections of Galatians where Paul gives his personal testimony. Our goal is to finish Galatians chapter 1 with a focus on the importance of consistency. The message is, “Living the Changed Life with Consistency.” Many of us fail to “Live Above the Conflict” because of a lack of consistency! Thank you for praying for me as I prepare and study.