• We had a great workday at the property on Saturday. Thank you to everyone that came out to help. We got a ton of work done. We were able to collect a couple tons (literally) of garbage as well as a number of loads of vegetation. The property looks better each week.  The best part was we had a great time. Thank You!
  • The mailers for the new series hit homes this past Saturday. Let me encourage you to be praying for “The God Questions” series that begins this Sunday. I would also encourage you to give your mailer to someone in your life. I am excited about what the Lord is going to do through us.
  • We have a Family Game Night this Friday October 30th. You can think of it like a pre-Halloween party. We will be providing Pizza and just need you to bring your favorite salad and/or snack/dessert. Do not forget to bring your games too. The Cost: $3 per person or $10 per family. Dinner and begins at 6:30pm with Games starting around 7:15pm.
  • This past Sunday we kicked off our Operation Christmas Child drive. You will be able to pick-up shoeboxes, ask questions or drop them off at the table in the back each Sunday.
  • Just a reminder for our Team Leaders that our next meeting will be Tuesday November 3rd at 7pm at the Ministry Center.
  • Ladies don’t forget that next Saturday November 7th there will be a Baby Shower for Brittany at the Ragsdale home from 1pm-3pm.
  • Each year our Six-8 youth sell Christmas Wreaths to offset the cost of the Christmas Teen Leadership Retreat. We began taking orders for those purchasing the $15 wreaths last week. Your purchase of a wreath is one way to support what God is doing in the hearts and lives of our young people.
  • Our general fund giving could use a financial boost. I want to say Thank You to those are faithful in giving. If you are able to do extra it could be a huge blessing.
  • The work day was a big help with the property. A couple of our guys have been continuing to work on the property. It looks like our temporary power pole should be hooked up this Friday. Things continue to move along.
  • This week we launch “The God Question Series.” This week we will be focusing on the question “Is God Real?” This is a question that many of us ask. Pray for me as I prepare to answer this question from a Biblically based perspective. Also pray that the Lord would use the mailer to bring in those asking this question too.