Our election process is a wonderful benefit of our Founding Father’s insight on government. It is a very interesting time for anyone who has engaged in the process. The attitudes prior to the election are ones of optimism and hope. It is the post-election landscape that is interesting, as one party’s candidate is celebrating the win and the other is reeling from the defeat. Those who have lived through enough of the cycle know what it is like to have your candidate win and lose.

This illustration does serve as real example of finding peace when life is not unfolding in the way we desire. I have been meditating on a memory verse that speaks to this exact need. What we need to realize is that our peace will be determined by what we are holding onto. This applies to politics, health, finances, relationships and the list goes on to include every possible stressful situation in life. Finding peace will be determined by what you are holding onto for security or more correctly what is holding onto you.

Our passage from Joshua drops us in the middle of a major change for the nation of Israel. Their “founding” leader, Moses, had passed away just as the nation was ready to move into the promised land. He was an incredible man of God who stands out even today in all Bible-based faiths. I am sure that the nation was wrestling with the reality of moving forward with a new leader, who was not Moses. I am sure that there were may questions and maybe even some doubts about the proven general chosen by God as Moses’ replacement.

What we glean from the book of Joshua, named after Moses’ successor, is that he probably also had some doubts. Anyone who has been led to believe that godly individuals do not have doubts has not spent much time in their Bible. Joshua could be added to the list of Moses, Gideon, Esther, Habakkuk and many others. It is God’s encouragement to Joshua that provides us with one practice of finding peace in uncertain times, trust God!

God’s reminds Joshua that He will be with him like He was with Moses. God challenges Joshua to be strong and courageous. God reminds him not to drift from living in obedience to God. He admonishes Joshua that integrating God’s Word into life daily will result in true prosperity and success. And probably the most significant truth; “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9).

There are many areas of life that do not unfold the way that we desire. Yet, the one truth among many that we can hold onto is that God has our back! No matter what we face, no matter what happens, we have no reason to fret because the Creator is watching over us and working in us.

I believe the key secret to finding peace in uncertain times is living with the knowledge that our Lord is with us wherever we go! “…for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5b).

-Pastor Joe Parkinson