Category Archives: Pastors Blog

Be Still and KNOW that I Am God!

     It seems like the “peace of God” is in short supply these days. It is so easy to get sucked into the things that are happening around us. It could be politics, family, job, church or even our own unhappiness with life. The problem with getting sucked in is that it defines our world… Continue Reading

Thank You – Master Plan (Part 3)

     I have always been what I could call “a Big Picture Person.” I actually function better when I have a big picture. The development of our church site was quite a challenge. The goal was to max out the available property by developing a master plan. The challenge was in trying to get a… Continue Reading

Finding Confidence in God’s Word

     It is a bit of an overstatement to say that we are living during a time of great uncertainty. The virus with the cascading ramifications have struck our lives like a harsh winter storm. Unfortunately, the storm has not blown over, nor should we expect it to just go away. The challenge for the… Continue Reading

Thank You – Permits (Part 2)

     It is amazing the perspective that time gives us if we will let it. It might have been naïve to think that finding and purchasing property was the hardest step of the process of getting our own site, but God had much to teach us as church. The permitting process has helped us learn… Continue Reading

Thank You – Site Purchase (Pt. 1)

     It is easy to become discouraged with all the negativity that is swirling these days. These can be difficult days when we cannot see God’s hand at work. So, I always appreciate those seasons where God’s involvement is absolutely unmistakable! This past weekend was one of those times as we held a Ground Breaking… Continue Reading

Time to Grow Up!

     Is it just me, or are we are a culture seeming to be locked into immaturity? It seems to be evident all around us like the driver that blows a cork because there was an accident.  I watched a guy throw a temper tantrum in Costco checkout because he did not have a tax… Continue Reading

Is God Punishing Me?

     I wonder if you have ever questioned if God was upset with you. Maybe you questioned why did your car break down now? Was God trying to get your attention? These are great questions. The answer to this question is a qualified yes. The Bible reminds us that our heavenly Father will and does… Continue Reading

Why Don’t I Ask For Help?

     So let’s talk about why many of us struggle to ask for help. So what is your answer? You don’t need any help? You don’t want to bother someone else? Is it a matter of wanting things done a certain way? The Bible reminds us that the followers of Jesus can do more for… Continue Reading