Category Archives: Pastors Blog

Why Does God Have Me Here?

     I have noticed a trend that could be alarming. The level of our concern would be based on the individual’s motive. What I have seen is a number of professing followers of Jesus fleeing certain geographic regions because of negative cultural changes. My concern is that people are fleeing to something that they think… Continue Reading

Why I MUST Live and Share Jesus!

     I am sure that many of you have seen videos of someone being harassed with the people passing by ignoring and avoiding the situation. I am thinking of a video that was staged with a young girl screaming, “You are not my dad!” at a man trying to force her towards a car. What… Continue Reading

The Testimony of Consistency!

     I recently had a conversation with someone that shared their spouses perspective of someone that they have known for a long time. The spouse mentioned that this person has been consistent for as long as they have known them. The testimony was that they were who they claimed to be. This should be the… Continue Reading

The Lord is My Safety Net

     I think most of us can appreciate high wire acrobatics. There is something exciting when a trapeze artist lets go to do a flip and grab their flying partners hand. It really gets exciting when they do this with no safety net. I personally have a hard time watching those doing extreme tight rope… Continue Reading

Is It A Hill Worth Dying On?

     I think that it is safe to assume that most of us are familiar with the saying, “A hill worth dying on!” I am sure that the original figure of speech came from an application in physical battle. Today we use it in a more figurative sense to speak of the issues we are… Continue Reading

Think Like a Mature Christian

     The way that we think reveals much about who we are as a person. It is tempting when making a purchase to determine what to buy based on the monthly cost. This is really an immature way of thinking. A person that is mature will factor in a number of aspects before making a… Continue Reading

Stay Alert

     This week I merged onto a highway and noticed a motorhome was behind me. For a brief moment something seemed out of place. The front tire from the distance and through my rear and side mirrors appeared to be wobbling badly. It looked like a new motorhome. Slowing down I noticed something that could… Continue Reading

Just Do God’s Word!

     A popular athletic show popularized the phrase “Just Do It!” It is a phrase that really speaks into all our lives. If you are like me, it is often easier to put something off by doing something else. We usually compromise what is more important or necessary for something that we find more enjoyable.… Continue Reading