Category Archives: Pastors Blog

Christmas is for You!

    The account of the very first Christmas never ceases to amaze me. One of the threads throughout the account is God’s personal interest in all people but especially the common people of the world. We see the emphasis in the selection of Joseph and Mary to be the parents of the promised Messiah. We also… Continue Reading

My Joy is Contagious!

    I wonder how often we listen to ourselves. I think it would be enlightening and revealing to record what comes out of our mouth for a full day. It would then be interesting to review our words to determine if our words were encouraging or discouraging.  We live in a world that is built on… Continue Reading

The Godly Means Justifies the End!

    Many today think that it is ok to do something wrong or questionable if it leads to a good end result. You might have heard this as the “Ends justify the means.” It is a saying that promotes that morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary to achieve morally right outcomes. What is being communicated is… Continue Reading

It is All Part of God’s Plan

    It is amazing what you can see when you look at something from an elevated position.  I remember reading an account of jungle explorers that would climb a tree to get perspective on their location above the forest canopy. The same is true in our lives. The reality is that we often are limited to… Continue Reading

From Where Does My Hope Come?

    Looking back over my life I have had many of my hopes dashed. It could have been hope that my favorite team would win a championship. It could also be the my hope for myself or another person that was unrealized. If my understanding of hope is limited to my experiences I would be robbing… Continue Reading

What Are My Chains?

    I have been thinking much about the benefits of our freedom to choose. Recently we were praying and someone prayed for our freedom. It struck me that the follower of Jesus is free regardless of their life situation. This leads us to ask ourselves, “What are my chains” of what is holding me back from… Continue Reading

Living A Life Worth Living!

    One of the greatest blessings in life is living a life that is worth living. Our family likes to camp, but I am not sure that I would enjoying doing it all the time. The same holds for vacations and others activities. I enjoying getting away for a break, but if it goes too long… Continue Reading

Time to Move Forward!

    It is time for followers of Jesus Christ and the church of Jesus Christ to move forward. I continue to hear of churches that are being torn apart over differences of perspective. This is nothing new as we have record of the same thing happening in the churches of the New Testament. My heart breaks… Continue Reading