Category Archives: Pastors Blog

Where Have the Faithful Gone?

     Maybe you have asked yourself, “What has happened to our world?” This question does not require an explanation for anyone that has been an adult for the last several years. Yet, for some of us we would suggest that this unraveling has been happening much longer. If that thought crossed your mind as you… Continue Reading

Where Can I Find Wisdom?

     It seems like some are cursed with the gift of misplacing stuff. It seems like they are regularly looking for something. I could be described as doing the same thing. It is easy for me to forget my last contact with the desired object. I have learned over the years how to become better… Continue Reading

Am I Taking God Seriously?

     I enjoy watch online content providers related to my interests ranging from Bible teaching to how to jet a carburetor and a few other areas in between. It is frustrating to me when a provider presents a title screen to get my attention but fails to deliver on the promise. It is not just… Continue Reading

What Am I Expecting from Life?

    I spoke at length with a fellow Christian about things of the faith. Our conversation quickly turned to current events and even events from the recent past. I appreciated the discussion. My concern was the danger of holding onto certain temporal expectations. Our conversation left us agreeing to disagree but with me thinking about the… Continue Reading

Immediate Access

    I was reminded today, as I was attempting to get help on a digital lock at the church, of our immediate access to God. First, I had to look for a bit to find the phone number. I was a little surprised that it was actually on the “Home Page!” The balloon of enthusiasm lost… Continue Reading

Overcoming My Discouragement

    Our lives are filled with discouraging situations. All you have to do is watch 15 minutes of the news! There are also those life challenges, unseen difficulties, and unexpected disappointments that can bring us down. It has often been said, these situations in our lives force us to choose one of two life paths: bitterness,… Continue Reading

Am I Ready for My Final Exam?

     It is that time of the year, when students at all levels are looking forward to wrapping up another school year or even better, graduating! I am sure that most of us remember the joy of getting done, but also the burden of completing the last task. Those tasks could be a project, a… Continue Reading

Is Jesus’ Visit on My Calendar?

     I am continually reminded how I am controlled by my watch, the clock and the calendar! I can remember traveling overseas to places were people do not own any of these. Now, they may have a paper calendar, but a watch or clock is out of the question. It is interesting that they do… Continue Reading

Where is My Hope?

     I am reminded that our lives are filled with many expectations. There are many things that we look forward to. I know that it could be the weather, especially if we have something important planned. It is interesting to consider that our hope, our expectations can influence our perspective on life. It is easy… Continue Reading

My Perspective Does Make a Difference

     I was recently reminded of how our perspective on life situations influences our responses.  A recent conversation was on the difference between a seller’s perspective and the buyer’s. It is interesting that both desire the same thing but with different outcomes.  Normally the seller desires to get the best price, that is, the highest… Continue Reading