Category Archives: Newsletter

The Mark of a Genuine Faith

       There was a day when just about everyone would identify as being a “Christian” of some flavor. Today, things are different but there are still a majority of individuals who would hold to the same religious affiliation. Yet, when we consider the teachings of Jesus and the Bible, it raises questions concerning what are… Continue Reading

Winning by Losing!

       I guess you could call me a “horse trader.” But I am not so much a trader as I am one who always looks for deals. I have often thought if God had not called me to be a pastor, I would have enjoyed being a “buyer” for a company. In that career, the… Continue Reading

The Breakdown of Authenticity!

       It is interesting to step back from our cultural context to view our world. Should you choose to do this you will be hit with many observations. One that comes to my mind is the breakdown of authenticity; namely, the rise of deception and the decline of truthfulness, integrity and honesty!      My Bible… Continue Reading

God’s Protection in My Life!

       Have you ever stopped to consider how often fear drives our responses, attitudes and decisions? Fear almost always robs us of making the best choices. Our attitudes can also be clouded by anxiety, frustration, worry and even anger. What the follower of Jesus often overlooks is God’s protection in their life!        My… Continue Reading

Living an Unshakeable Life

       I find myself sitting in my childhood home pondering the circumstances that have temporarily brought me back “home” to help out my parents. It really is amazing how unstable life can be with all the unseen challenges that come out of nowhere. It is not uncommon to become shaken by a crisis. But God’s… Continue Reading

Surviving the Rapids

       I had an opportunity as a younger man in college to go white water rafting in Western Pennsylvania. I have since had opportunities to ride the rapids in different parts of our country. Someday, I would love to experience the Colorado River section through the Grand Canyon. Learning to raft white water offers several… Continue Reading

Am I a Liar?

      Our propensity is to believe that we are good, honest and trustworthy individuals. Now, let’s assume that characterization of ourselves is true. Are you a liar? Now before you emphatically say “No” and write this article off, let me encourage you to evaluate your own life. The answer, by the way, is “Yes I… Continue Reading

Who Am I Pleasing?

      It seems that our lives are filled with interruptions. It could be a crying toddler that pinched their hand in a door. A friend pressing us to join them shopping. A project deadline at work or any number of infinite requests for us and our time. Now, I am not suggesting to ignore a… Continue Reading

Blessing of Building Well!

      It is frustrating when you are faced with the challenges related to poor construction. The challenge not to it right the first times is the temptation to cut corners. I am sure that all of have a story that we could tell. What is often forgotten is the cost to paid later from poor… Continue Reading