Category Archives: Newsletter

Rearview Mirror 3-25-2021

I am reminded that the Lord’s timing is always perfect. This week Caryl and I were faced with a decision related to squeezing in having the screws removed from her recent foot surgery. We appreciate your prayers as that will be happening this week. I am reminded that even in these situations the Lord’s timing… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-11-2021

This week I received some tough news about someone that I care very deeply about. The blessing is that this individual knows the Lord. The situation is not great but what an encouragement to know that they are in the Lord’s hand. And this is true for each of us. The good news is we… Continue Reading

Preparing for Life’s Final Exam!

     I was speaking with one of the tradesman that is a part of our new building. He has been busy the last couple weeks preparing for a state certification exam. He was sharing with me the challenges of finding time to prepare with all the work and life responsibilities. I was reminded of our… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-4-2021

It is hard to express how encouraging God’s Word is to me (and God’s people). It is no surprise that the enemies of our souls (Culture, Sin Nature and the Devil) would work together to keep us separated from God’s truth! Let me encourage you to make time in the word a priority. We are… Continue Reading

A Secret to My Spiritual Maturity

     It seems like everywhere we turn we encounter promises of instant whatever. It could be instant happiness, instant beauty, instant wealth… It does not matter what you desire in your lives someone somewhere has already promised you instant results and almost always with no effort. The Bible reminds us that there is no such… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 2-25-2021

The more I study the Word the more I am blessed to know that I belong to the Lord. It is an exciting time to live for several reasons. The sad reality for many of us is that it is easy to focus on the temporal things and miss the eternal.   I know that… Continue Reading

Send My Guests Off With A Prayer

     I don’t know exactly where I picked this up, but I have attempted to make it a common part of our family. I am thinking that this may have been passed down to us from Caryl’s parents but I am not sure. I like to send our guests, friends and especially family members off… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 2-18-2021

I am reminded each week of the privilege that is mine to know the Lord. I know that the world around us seems to be falling apart, but the stability of my world has not changed. Yes, there have been circumstances that have changed, but the Lord has not. What a blessing to belong to… Continue Reading

How Satan Trips Me Up!

     All of us are dealing with internet fraud in some way. It may be limited for some to the theft of our information from a store that we have used. It gets worse for those that have clicked on an email, like or opened a document, or allowed our computer to be held hostage… Continue Reading