Category Archives: Newsletter

Rearview Mirror 9-9-2021

20 Years! The day has finally come to celebrate the Lord’s working. Our 20th year Celebration is this Sunday. We will be celebrating in both services with  a Potluck following the 10 AM service. We are asking our regulars to bring a Side dish and a Salad. You will also want to bring a lawn… Continue Reading

Will I Boast in My Weakness?!

    It can seem sometimes like we are on the hamster wheel of life. This is especially true when it comes to our evaluation of ourselves when compared with others. While I cannot speak for everyone, I am sure that most of us struggle with this in some form. The problem with trying to “Keep up… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 9-2-2021

It was a great blessing to have Pastor Tom Ruhlman as a guest speaker this Sunday. I really enjoyed sitting under his ministry from 2 Corinthians 11 on Authentic Ministry. I was reminded of how God works in our lives in real time when reflecting on our meeting way back in 1985 that would lead… Continue Reading

Humility – Why I Want It!

    Our culture despises humility as a character trait. It is interesting that while we despise humility, we also admire it. You just have to consume a small sampling of current media before you encounter this attitude against humility. We see it in the political arena, on the sports field and even on the silver screen.… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 8-26-2021

I want to give a “shout out” to George and Tyna Hansen. It was great to have a “third” service on Sunday as they renewed their vows. I also wanted to thank them for providing lunch after the ceremony. I also want to thank all our people that rolled up their sleeves to help out.… Continue Reading

Cheer Up Saints of God

    “Cheer up ye saints of God, There’s nothing to worry about; Nothing to make you feel afraid, Nothing to make you doubt; Remember Jesus saves you; So why not trust him and shout, You’ll be sorry you worried at all, tomorrow morning.” (Cheer Up, Ye Saints of God, Source unknown)     I learned this catchy… Continue Reading

An Essential for My Spiritual Growth

    I wonder if you have ever heard the phrase, “Falling on one’s sword?”  I think that we all understand that it refers to a soldier literally taking his own life to avoid capture by the enemy. But what does it mean as a metaphor for Christian living and growth?     All of us have dealt… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 8-5-2021

One of the great blessings in my life is to be the beneficiary of other more godly individuals in my life. I am indebted to those that have invested in my life. I am also thankful that the Lord gave me the grace to put myself under those individuals. My life and ministry has been… Continue Reading