Category Archives: Newsletter

Am I a Role Model?

    Let me ask you, “Are you a role model?” This is a question that we all need to ask ourselves. The answer to that would be yes for everyone. A better question is “What kind of role model am I?”  We know that everyone is a role model whether good or bad. I am sure… Continue Reading

Where is Heaven?

    I recently was reading an article about a certain location. My mind stopped on the name of the location. I did what most people would do. I used one of the mapping apps to find the location. But you will not find heaven on any map. The only place we can find the answer to… Continue Reading

Do I Really Want It?

    I want you to think about how you respond when you want something. I would imagine that you take action to acquire what is desired. We recently needed to replace some living room furniture. We spent time checking out online sources and local stores until we found the solution. I would imagine that this also… Continue Reading

The Company I Keep

    Our world has always been changing and the change has accelerated over the last several decades. Our world today would be very different for a time traveler even from the 90’s.  Yet, while everything is changing, nothing has changed. Yes, the spiritual or cultural challenges that we struggle with are different, but the core challenge… Continue Reading

The Cost of My Impatience

    Maybe you have heard it said, “Do not pray for patience!” I have heard this maxim repeated many times in my life. The admonition is rooted in the understanding that becoming patient is almost always the result of trials. Maybe we should look at growing in patience from another perspective, “the cost of my impatience!”… Continue Reading

Have I Sold Out?

    My question could apply in many different areas of our lives! There is obviously the negative, that focus on abandoning our position. Some might consider me as selling out on my Football team of birth to root for the Seahawks. There is also the positive aspect of selling out, as going all in, the buy… Continue Reading

Don’t Let the Devil Up-sell You!

    Have you noticed everywhere you go it seems like retailers are trying to up-sell you something. These additional promotions appeal to our earthly nature. Probably the most common is when a fast food establishment asks you “Would you like to up-size your order?” How much better is a supersized French fries and drink for $$… Continue Reading

The Value of Desert Wandering?

     Life never ceases to be confusing! It seems like it has a way of interrupting the calm waters of smooth sailing. It is easy to conclude that these times are unnecessary but God’s Word reminds us that actually nothing is further from the truth. The reality is that God is working in our lives… Continue Reading

Connecting with Our Culture

     Jesus has incredible balance in all areas of His life. He provides for us an example and a challenge to follow in His footsteps. If, you are a follower of Christ, like me, you have to wrestle with your relationship and involvement in culture. Our tendency is to stiff-arm culture, but we also must… Continue Reading