by joe | Oct 19, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
Many years ago, I heard the story of a gal that was cooking a Christmas dinner. She planned on carrying on her family’s tradition of having ham. She planned to prepare the ham as her mother had done for decades. Her mother always cut off the ends of the ham...
by joe | Oct 11, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
There is not a week that bad news does not douse our lives. It could be an unexpected diagnosis or the latest current events pour through our media feeds. It seems like the believer’s soul is under constant deluge of the preponderance of...
by joe | Oct 5, 2023 | Missions, Newsletter
It is easy to believe that the “Big Iron” wins wars. It does, but not by itself. There are many factors contributing to battlefield success. One of the most important weapons is information. Information on your enemy. The best weapons...
by joe | Sep 28, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
I have reached that stage in life that I benefit from wearing glasses. My wife is frequently asking if she can clean my glasses. While I greatly benefit from these additional “extra eyes,” I often don’t realize that my view is being...
by joe | Sep 21, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
I am thinking that one description of “life” could be a never-ending parade of situations. It could be issues with ourselves, other or just life itself. Life is a never-ending line of concerns. The opportunity is to see these not at obstacles...
by joe | Sep 15, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
There are some things in life that just seem to be harder than others. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to do those things that require discipline? It could be shedding a few pounds or doing that chore that you just do not enjoy doing. All...
by joe | Sep 7, 2023 | Missions, Newsletter
It is amazing to see what the Lord can do when we let Him work through us. I am being a little nostalgic as I ponder Living Hope’s 22nd Anniversary this next week. It has been one of the greatest opportunities in my life. I’m thankful to have...
by joe | Aug 31, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
Our great oversight, living in a culture of instant gratification, is missing the blessing of not getting what I want. We have been tricked into believing that meeting my wants results in happiness. Yes, there are times that it is true, but let us not forget the...
by joe | Aug 23, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
It seems the summer travel is a season for obstacles. Over the last month everywhere I go there is a traffic jam. The reasons have ranged from road construction, to accidents and just driving at the wrong time of the day, rush hour. The truth...
by joe | Aug 17, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
I have had the privilege of visiting some of the greatest places in our county both on foot and by car. I remember one time on a car trip to Southern California that took the wrong exit heading through Sacramento. I was convinced that we had successfully...