Rearview Mirror 2-2-2017

We launch our February Monthly Memory Verse (MMV) on this Sunday. Let me encourage you to keep working on Luke 11:34 and start memorizing February’s verse: 2 Peter 1:3. If you are looking for a phone app, I recommend the Scripture Typer App. (IOS and Android) It is exciting to have so many kids at Living… Continue Reading

Who Owns My Body?

How would you answer the question, “Who owns your body?” It is a questions that usually comes up in our culture as a statement. This statement was made in the recent presidential elections. But, I want you to move past the rhetoric and honestly answer the question, “Who owns my body?” The answer to this… Continue Reading

Fixing My Marriage

I would think that most couples would agree, unless they are newlyweds, that their marriage is not perfect. There are aspects of the relationship that could be better. If this is true then my marriage is broken in some way. If it is broken then I should work on fixing it. Let me share a… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 1-26-2017

Let me encourage you to pray for those dealing with illness. It is one of those times of the year that a number of those we know and love are fighting something. This is not only a good time to pray but to also help out as your can. The big thing this week is… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 1-19-2017

Congratulations to the three men baptized this past Sunday. What an awesome day. I always enjoy the testimony and sharing with the work of God’s miracle of salvation in the lives of others. Please remember to pray for these men as they grow in Christ. Speaking of Baptism. We have another group that is interested… Continue Reading

Is Baptism Optional?

This is a very good question. I have faced this question frequently in my years as a Pastor. Just like all aspects of Baptism we need to let the Bible speak instead of opinions or church traditions. So, is baptism optional?   We have been doing a lot of baptisms recently and have another group… Continue Reading

Am I a Fruitful Christian?

I would guess that all of us want to get better, be better or do better in some area of our lives. The New Year is a time in our culture for making commitments called resolutions to improve in some area. I believe the Bible has something for those that would like their lives to… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 1-12-2017

I am thankful for the blessing of being a child of God. I am not only thankful for the work that He has done and continues to do in me. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve Jesus. I am excited for the New Year and I hope you are too. Congratulations to Adam… Continue Reading

Thank You for 2016

There are many things that I could say as a Pastor at the beginning of the New Year. The one thing that I did want to say to all those that are our part of the ministry of Living Hope is “Thank You.”   I am constantly reminded that the ministry of a local church… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 1-5-2017

We in heading into 2017. I personally find this time of year, every year, exciting. It is a reminder that, Lord willing, we have another 365 days to make a difference. I cannot remember a year that has not been exciting over the last almost 35 years of being a follower of Jesus. There have… Continue Reading