by joe | Jan 28, 2021 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
There are many different views of heaven. Yet the Biblical Heaven is a place where there is no sin and the related consequences like death, sickness and crime to name a few. A Biblical understanding of heaven is a huge motivator to Jesus’ followers to press...
by joe | Jan 21, 2021 | Newsletter
I want to give a shout out to Pastor Berney, Joe, Steve and others that covered the bases while Caryl and I were back babysitting some of our grandkids in North Dakota. It was a blessing for us to spend extended time with family. Thank You.Could I encourage you to...
by joe | Jan 21, 2021 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
The past year 2020 will be remembered, in the lives of those that lived through it, for all their lives. One thing that 2020 has reminded me of is the stressfulness of life. All of us deal with stress in different ways. I wonder how many of us really take the...
by joe | Jan 15, 2021 | Newsletter
I wanted to give a shout out to everyone that has been praying for our Ministry. I also want to thank those that came out to pray this past Monday. It was a special time together. I am reminded that the Lord’s army marches on it knees.I want to thank those that...
by joe | Jan 15, 2021 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
If you are like me, you probably do not pause too often to reflect on who you are listening to. I was reminded of the importance of who we listen to in two different Bible readings yesterday. The Bible reminds us that we need to be careful who...
by joe | Jan 7, 2021 | Newsletter
Here we go 2021! I am reminded that with all the stuff that happens life must go on, and it does. Let me encourage you to take some time to do a spiritual self-assessment and set at least one spiritual goal for this New Year. Now we all know that setting a goal does...
by joe | Jan 7, 2021 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
This past week I added another year to my age brings me to within touch of 60 years old. It is hard to believe that I am close to having lived six decades. It is amazing at how quickly time passes us by if we let it. It is especially a shame when this reflects...
by joe | Dec 31, 2020 | Newsletter
Good bye 2020. I want to Thank You for an interesting year that has changed me in so many ways. Yes, you have confronted me with the fear of death but also strengthened my faith in the Lord. You have taught me much about doing ministry over the internet and you have...
by joe | Dec 31, 2020 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
It is that time of year when many will reflect on the past 12 month and ponder the next 12 months. It is a good time for self-reflection. One of the great truths is that you will never get anywhere if you do not move. I am not speaking only of a physical...
by joe | Dec 24, 2020 | Newsletter
I want to wish each of you a Merry Christmas. It is wonderful time to reflect on the real meaning for the world to celebrate. Let me encourage you to take the opportunity to share Jesus at your family gathering.Just a reminder that tonight is the Christmas Eve Candle...