Rearview Mirror 8-26-2021

I want to give a “shout out” to George and Tyna Hansen. It was great to have a “third” service on Sunday as they renewed their vows. I also wanted to thank them for providing lunch after the ceremony. I also want to thank all our people that rolled up their sleeves to help out.… Continue Reading

Cheer Up Saints of God

    “Cheer up ye saints of God, There’s nothing to worry about; Nothing to make you feel afraid, Nothing to make you doubt; Remember Jesus saves you; So why not trust him and shout, You’ll be sorry you worried at all, tomorrow morning.” (Cheer Up, Ye Saints of God, Source unknown)     I learned this catchy… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 8-19-2021

Let me encourage you to take some time to spend with family this summer. I know that we are running out of time, but August and September are two of the best months to take advantage of the Pacific Northwest. I am excited to launch our first full year of ministry this September celebrating our… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 8-12-2021

I want to say Thanks to Pastor Mark Suko for his ministry to our congregation this past Sunday. It was a blessing to have him and his wife, Nancy, with us once again. I am reminded of the importance of investing in others. They have been a model of this for me and Caryl! We… Continue Reading

An Essential for My Spiritual Growth

    I wonder if you have ever heard the phrase, “Falling on one’s sword?”  I think that we all understand that it refers to a soldier literally taking his own life to avoid capture by the enemy. But what does it mean as a metaphor for Christian living and growth?     All of us have dealt… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 8-5-2021

One of the great blessings in my life is to be the beneficiary of other more godly individuals in my life. I am indebted to those that have invested in my life. I am also thankful that the Lord gave me the grace to put myself under those individuals. My life and ministry has been… Continue Reading

God’s Will for My Life in One Word!

    It never ceases to amaze me how we can make things more complicated than they need to be. Now I know that life overall is getting more complicated each year. Think about what you have to know to transition to adulthood compared with all that is required today. We also can make grasping God’s Will… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 7-29-2021

Wow! what a great response to our Work Day this past Saturday. It was wonderful that we were able to get the East Property line landscaping, weed barrier and rocks done. I want to thank everyone that helped to make this happen. The great news is that this week we were able to finish the… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 7-22-2021

I want to give a shout out to all those that helped this Past Saturday at the church work day. I also want to say thanks to those that have been helping during the week. We are making great progress. Thank you. Work Day #2 Saturday 8:30AM – Noon. It has been a busy week… Continue Reading