Take Advantage of the New Year

Take Advantage of the New Year

    It is interesting to consider how the calendar can make a lasting impact on our lives. I am thinking of the New Year. There is a psychological motivation that results from the change of one year to the next each January 1st. The entrance of a New Year for many...
Take Advantage of the New Year

Take Advantage of Christmas

    There are many ways that we can take advantage of the Christmas holiday season. Holidays offer many opportunities over non-holidays. These opportunities can include spending time with family that we infrequently see throughout the year. There is also all the good...
Take Advantage of the New Year

Jesus’ Advice on Retirement

    Those that know tell us Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, have been retiring in ever increasing numbers since 2011 (approximately 2 million more each year). It is estimated that there are 77 million boomers in the U.S. They are retiring at a rate of 10,000...
Take Advantage of the New Year

The Power of A Right Perspective

     Have your ever asked yourself, “Am I a glass half-full or half-empty kind of person?” The statement often made of others speaks to the difference that our perspective on life makes. It is often very interesting that two people looking at the same circumstances...
Take Advantage of the New Year

Debunking One Myth About Spiritual Growth

     I used to bowl a bit when I was younger. I was actually pretty good compared to others; consistently bowling north of 150 points per game. Most recently I had the opportunity to bowl again. I had no anticipation of bowling anywhere near 150, but to my surprise I...
Take Advantage of the New Year

Sharing the Gospel Made Simple

     Happy Thanksgiving! I am sure that for you it is one of those crazy weeks of working half a week while preparing for the Thanksgiving celebration. I was reminded recently that Thanksgiving is, in many ways, like the Gospel in that we can make it as complicated or...
Take Advantage of the New Year

Don’t Take the Bait!

     One of my greatest experiences fishing goes back to when we lived in Eastern Washington. I will never forget the chilly day, the clear blue-sky fishing on one of two lakes that are stocked with Lahontian Cutthroat Trout. I can still see in the...
Take Advantage of the New Year

Am I Prone to Self-Deception?

     I recently watched a video of a guy off-piste skiing (backcountry skiing outside the boundaries of ski area). The videos I’ve seen are incredible as skiers are able cut the fresh snow. The exhilaration of the beauty and skiing the unknown must...
Take Advantage of the New Year

Keep an Eye on the Foxes!

     It is amazing the technology that is available to us today. Most of the new cars, for instance, are now equipped with features that range from parallel parking the car to warning and even preventing a dangerous lane change or making an emergency stop. The...
Take Advantage of the New Year

Quietly Focusing on Ministry

    Many years ago, I heard a statement that caught my attention. “The first whale to surface gets harpooned.” Now, you might be wondering where this is going but I need you to hang in there. Another variation of this saying is, “The first whale to blow gets...