by joe | Jun 1, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
I originally titled this article, “Is My Light Getting Brighter?” But as I typed my finger spelled the work life instead of light. Life is a better description of my thoughts. Now that we are looking forward to the beginning of Summer in the...
by joe | May 24, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
Caryl and I have found every season of life with kids to be interesting. My recent thoughts on the importance of prayer has caused me to reflect on raising a family. There are times that as an parent you need to craft an answer to be age appropriate for your...
by joe | May 18, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
Have you ever wondered what you would do if everything fails? You might want to ask, well, what is everything? I am being general because the areas of life that challenge each of us can be different. Some might be worried about their financial situation. For...
by joe | May 10, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
If there is one thing certain about life, it is that we are frequently faced with uncertainty. The uncertainties in our lives range from needing direction on decisions to understanding how to navigate a current crisis. The question I’m...
by joe | May 4, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
It is interesting how quickly circumstances can seize our attention. Many that I know are concerned by all that could possibly happen in our economy. The challenge is that it seems like there is no end of attention-grabbing issues. It should not surprise us that...
by joe | Apr 19, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
It is a very unique person that understands and embraces the setbacks of life. I would assume that for most of us we would prefer to avoid these unexpected and unwanted interruptions. It is interested that the Bible presents several positive insights on difficulties....
by joe | Apr 12, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
Most of us only think of the positive sides of blessing. But like most good things there is a place where it can ruin out lives. Now, you are thinking, “How could God’s blessing in my life be a danger?” Well, the Bible shares many accounts of blessing gone wrong....
by joe | Apr 6, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
I am sure that all of us have been pushed to our limit at some point. The danger of being in this zone is that we often don’t respond properly. Think about the last time that you let frustration get the better of you. The Bible reminds us that there are...
by joe | Mar 30, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
It seems that we live in a cultural context that celebrates being offended. It seems like everyone seems to be offended over something. Resentment is like playing with fire, you think that you can control it, but it has a life of its own. The Bible reminds us of...
by joe | Mar 22, 2023 | Newsletter, Pastors Blog
One of the blessings of growing in our understanding of God through the Bible is that He tells us what He is going to do, then He does it. We see this in every nook and cranny of our Bibles. A God that reveals what is coming because he wants us to grow in our...