Give God Something to Work With!

Give God Something to Work With!

Every time I drive onto the church property the white fence catches my attention. I remember back to digging the first post hole as well as the last, and all the posts that make up the just under 1000 feet of fencing! Of course I had help, but I am reminded that...
Give God Something to Work With!

Finding Peace in Uncertain Times

Our election process is a wonderful benefit of our Founding Father’s insight on government. It is a very interesting time for anyone who has engaged in the process. The attitudes prior to the election are ones of optimism and hope. It is the post-election...
Give God Something to Work With!

Turn Off Spiritual Autopilot

We are living in a world of automation. It is all around us. From a robot vacuum cleaner to self-driving cars to smart refrigerators that offer meal menus based on the contents of the fridge! There is one area, however, when autopilot is incredibly dangerous, it is...
Give God Something to Work With!

Be That Leader!

I am sure that we all have stories about the “sins of our youth.” While reflecting on our devotional focus of being a leader, I am reminded of a time when I chose to be a follower. It was when a group of us were playing in the woods next to my childhood home. Our...
Give God Something to Work With!

If It Doesn’t Kill You…

Maybe you have heard the saying: “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!” This saying can be attributed to the Secular Philosopher Fredrick Nietzsche who in 1882 authored the statement: “God is dead.” He believed that Christianity only weakened human potential and...
Give God Something to Work With!

Uncovering My Anger Toward God

Decades ago a close pastoral friend of mine from our seminary days fell into marital unfaithfulness. Let us be reminded that the cost of sexual sin is never worth the damage it does in our lives and the lives of others. With that said, what stood out to me in this...
Give God Something to Work With!

Rearview Mirror 1-22-25

I want to give a shout out to Dr. Stacey McClain for all his investment in our Introduction to Theology class. I want to thank each of you who are in the class. Thanks for the positive feedback about the blessing it has been to you. Superbowl Outreach! Connect with...
Give God Something to Work With!

Compounding Blessing!

I am sure that you have heard the term “compounding” as it relates to interest. It is one of the benefits of financial investments. It is a term that describes interest gained on the original principle and previously accumulated interest. You might have...
Give God Something to Work With!

God Wants Me Here!

     I am sure that all of us have asked the question: “Why am I here?” The question could be in regards to a specific situation in our lives or we could be asking it in a broader context regarding life itself. The question is really a question about the purpose of...
Give God Something to Work With!

Why Isn’t God Answering My Prayer?

     This is a question that I am sure you have asked yourself. Maybe you are asking it right now… It is a question that I’ve been asking recently regarding a prayer request for an additional staff position at our church, something that our church has also...