Author Archives: Tyna Hansen

Rearview Mirror 4-11-2019

  • Let me remind you that Easter falls on April 21st this year. We are looking forward to our Easter traditions and some new twists. The week prior to Easter, Palm Sunday, April 14th we will have a special presentation from our KidsZone Ministry. You will not want to miss it.
  • Our Easter Sunday will begin with Brunch at 9:15 AM. Please sign up this Sunday for items to bring for this special event. This is not only a great time of celebration but also excellent for inviting your family and friends.
  • We have decided this year to give the traditional Egg Hunt a break (no pun intended!) Yes, we will be collecting candy for Candy bags for the kids. We will be replacing it with a Family Photo opportunity. We will be providing the opportunity for families to have their picture taken in their Sunday best.
  • Celebrating Easter, our Monthly Memory Verse is John 11:25-26. This verse reminds of the securing of our relationship in Jesus! “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”” (John 11:25–26 ESV ) If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This week the message will be on Celebrating Palm Sunday. As many of you know things are happening fast here at the church office. The building stuff requires a significant amount of time. I covet your prayers as I study again this week and prepare for our time in the word this weekend! Thank you for praying.

Rearview Mirror 7/7/16

Thank you Berney for another great message last Sunday. There will not be any Six8 Youth group this Friday but they will be meeting the next day, July 9, and having a fun day playing disc golf.  Meet at Zac and Carol’s and be ready to leave there promptly at 8am. We have moved into the… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 6-30-16

I wanted to say Thank You to Berney for an outstanding message this last Sunday.  Who knew a guard could tell us so much! I want to say Thank You to Zac and Carol for their ministering to our Jr and Sr High students.  There will not be any Six8 Youth group this Friday due… Continue Reading

Rear View Mirror 4-26-16

We just finished our “I Love My Church” series. I hope that it has been as much of a blessing and challenge for you as it has been for me. I know that my love for the local church has increased more through my studies. I am excited about what the Lord is doing at… Continue Reading

A Loving Church Community

We live in a world filled with fences.  The purpose of a fence can be to keep something in or on to keep something out.  Let me say that fences can be good.  There is a saying that good fences make good neighbors.  But, I wonder if this true for the relational fences that we… Continue Reading