Fixing the Wrong Problem

Fixing the Wrong Problem

     I have been spending a decent amount of my free time working on getting our 1997 boat back on the water. The project has reminded me of a temptation that is common with every “project in my life.” I throw solutions at the problem without knowing what is broken....
Fixing the Wrong Problem

Does My Faith Have a Heartbeat?

     The human heart is one of the most essential organs required for life. This fist-sized organ is responsible for circulating the 1.5 gallons of blood required to keep our bodies functioning. A resting adult heart rate often determines an individual’s level...
Fixing the Wrong Problem

Creating Space for Jesus to Work

     It is safe to say that most of our lives are over-programed. I thought once the kids were out of the house, our pace would slow down some. The reality is that our lives are even more jam packed than when we had 5 kids in the home! I am not writing to attack...
Fixing the Wrong Problem

Living with No Secrets

     The predictive text feature on my cell phone can be very frustrating. I find myself unintentionally sending messages that do not make sense. Fortunately, I have not yet sent anything that would be considered inappropriate. I refer to this feature as my phone’s...
Fixing the Wrong Problem

Walking With Christ During Political Uncertainty

     I wonder if every past generation of humanity felt that what they were experiencing in life was unique to them. I wonder if our current challenges have the potential to impact us in a greater way because we are experiencing them firsthand. We are living during...