

     It has been said that the best response to a person who justifies not attending church due to the hypocrisy is, “Yes, and there is always room for one more!” Truth be told hypocrisy is a systemic condition of the human race. One of the best definitions for...

Shut Up!

    This offensive statement is not meant to be directed toward others but to myself.  One of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves is to shut up. I am speaking of taking control of our speech. If you have not considered that you need to control your tongue, I...

So I Hated My Life!

    It would be beneficial to hear ourselves talk. We may realize things about ourselves if we could hear our clone speaking and acting the way we do. If you have ever tried to evaluate yourself honestly, you know how hard it is to accomplish. What I think we might...

Prepared for the Harvest

    These past couple weeks in Eastern Washington I noticed an increase in the number of trucks transporting apple bins. There were several occasions where we would be following behind these trucks delivering empty bins to the apple orchards. Having lived in the area...

The Problem with Saying “I think…”

     We are all faced with questions in every aspect of life. Like: “Where is the best place for Mexican food in town?” or “Who do you think is going to win the game?”. It seems like we are quick to give a response, even if we do not exactly...