Author Archives: joe

Now! – It is All We Have!

     One of our greatest struggles is living in the “Now.” The simple reality is that we miss the present because we are living in the past or for the future. Yet the simple truth is… all that we have is the “Now!” I was recently reminded that the Creator, who has worked in the… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 4-18-2019

Let me encourage you once again to reach out to your friends and family this Easter. Ask them to attend church with you this Sunday. The Annual Easter Brunch is a great way to kick off the day. You might be surprised by their response, but you will never know if you do not ask.… Continue Reading

How God Helps Me Grow

     I have realized through the years of following Jesus that it is easy to believe things that are not biblically accurate. I was reminded this past week about two beliefs related to our relationship with Jesus that are not consistent with the Scripture. Let me challenge you with one negative and one positive insight.… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 4-4-2019

It is a blessing to be a church family. I know that I am blessed with all of you that are serving the Lord is many different ways. It is incredible to see the church body functioning. Thank You. I want to give a shout out to the guys that have helped with several projects… Continue Reading

God’s Will For You!

     We have been doing a study over the last several weeks on the different aspects of salvation. God has been using it in our congregation (You can listen here.). This past Sunday we touched on one verse that speaks on how to know God’s will for my life. “For this is the will of… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-28-2019

We are just a week away from having the “Office/Classroom” modular moved onto the church property. I would ask you to join me in praying for this next piece of the puzzle. The major details have been worked out, but let me encourage you to be praying that everything goes smoothly. I would also ask… Continue Reading

You Are Special

     This last weekend I participated in a funeral for a young adult. Death is difficult no matter what the circumstances, but it is even more difficult, when it involved suicide. My heart was grieved of the loss of a young life. If there was one message I wish I could have communicated with this… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-21-2019

It has been a relatively quiet week here at the office. I have spent a significant amount of time over the last two weeks getting the computer stuff working. I am thankful to have made some significant process. I’m encouraged that the work on the file storage and telephones will carry over to the new… Continue Reading

Finding Real Peace

I am reminded almost every day that we are living in a “broken world.” It does not matter if it is a loved one that has a life threatening medical condition or the couple that is on the verge of calling it quits or the person being attacked for their opinion. It seems like everywhere… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 3-14-2019

It has been another wonderfully crazy week at the church office. We are working hard to get things back in order after the move. I have been working on a number of changes that will be beneficial to us now and also once we move to the property. It is just taking time to work… Continue Reading