Author Archives: joe

Rearview Mirror 5-14-20

     I want to give a shout out to the Women’s ministry team for the gifts to honor mothers this past Sunday. Thank you for taking the time to remind our moms that we appreciate them!       Soccer Camp. We have been working on this year’s camp. We are planning to have it in some… Continue Reading

I Am a Nobody?

     Let me encourage you to stop and consider all that you do for others. Now, I want to go beyond the acts of serving others. I want you to consider all that you do to impress others. It is worthwhile to ponder why you do what you do? I believe that a part of… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 5-7-2020

     Happy Mother’s Day Sunday! Moms we are so thankful for all that you do and especially for those that show us our Savior through their actions. We love you. Happy special day.      Just a reminder we have a special Mother’s Day gift for each mom. Thanks to our Women’s Ministry Team for keep… Continue Reading

Am I Playing with Fire?

     I don’t know if it is just me, but there is something mystifying about fire. All you need to do is watch the kids, young and old, around a camp fire. It is something that we are tempted to play with, but it is too easy to get burned. This metaphor of playing with… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 4-30-2020

     It is hard to imagine that isolation could be so challenging. Let me encourage you to focus on a well-known verse. Let me point out that the word “temptation” can also be translated at “testing.” “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 4-23-2020

     I am thankful for the security of my relationship with God through the completed work of Jesus and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. It is a great place to be with everything so out of  whack. I hope that you are able to live in God’s presence during these uncertain times.  One… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 4-16-2020

     It is interesting being a displaced congregation for a season. I have been reminded that the church is His people and not a building. The building is a tool for us to be His people and to do ministry. It is exciting to see the Lord working even as we struggle with the implications… Continue Reading