Author Archives: joe

Rearview Mirror 7-8-2021

Caryl and I wanted to communicate our gratitude for all the prayers, encouragement and meals from our church family, friends and family. Thank You. Caryl is doing very well and hopes to be back in services in the next month or so. The plan is to give her back time to heal and not rush… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 7-1-2021

I recently saw a sticker on the back window of a car, “Smile, You are Free.” This weekend we celebrate the founding of our nation on July 4. It was because of decisions made by our nation’s founders that today we can enjoy freedom in many areas of our lives except one. I am reminded… Continue Reading

Why I MUST Live and Share Jesus!

     I am sure that many of you have seen videos of someone being harassed with the people passing by ignoring and avoiding the situation. I am thinking of a video that was staged with a young girl screaming, “You are not my dad!” at a man trying to force her towards a car. What… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 6-17-2021

I am overwhelmed by the support that we have received during this time in Caryl’s life. The most significant is the Lord’s protection and healing through prayer. The more we learn post-surgery the more we are reminded of the Lord’s intervention in the whole process to avert Caryl’s early promotion to be with the Lord.… Continue Reading

The Testimony of Consistency!

     I recently had a conversation with someone that shared their spouses perspective of someone that they have known for a long time. The spouse mentioned that this person has been consistent for as long as they have known them. The testimony was that they were who they claimed to be. This should be the… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 6-10-2021

I want to thank everyone for their support and prayers for Caryl and myself as we walk through her back surgery. Most of you probably know that her surgery went very well. She still needs your prayers for the recovery process. They are closely monitoring her position. Our prayer is that the surgery could bring… Continue Reading

The Lord is My Safety Net

     I think most of us can appreciate high wire acrobatics. There is something exciting when a trapeze artist lets go to do a flip and grab their flying partners hand. It really gets exciting when they do this with no safety net. I personally have a hard time watching those doing extreme tight rope… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 6-3-2021

It is good to be back. I want to give a shout out to everyone that covered the bases while Caryl and I got away for some vacation before her back surgery. We had a great time. We do covet your prayers for her. Just a reminder that we make it a point to pray… Continue Reading

Is It A Hill Worth Dying On?

     I think that it is safe to assume that most of us are familiar with the saying, “A hill worth dying on!” I am sure that the original figure of speech came from an application in physical battle. Today we use it in a more figurative sense to speak of the issues we are… Continue Reading