A Testimony Worth Leaving

     In over 30 years of experience being a Pastor I have been to a few memorial services and funerals. One of the consistent blessings has been to hear the impact of the life of the person being remembered from the lips of someone else. As I listen I often have a couple of responses. First, If I knew the person well, I am re-living the impact of that individual upon my life. Second, in situations where I did not get to know the person, I wish that I could have had the privilege. How would other people describe you? It is worth considering our testimony before others.

     Our Celebrate Summer sermon series this year has been focusing on the book of Galatians. A large portion of the letter is biographical as Paul describes a significant part of his journey as a follower of Jesus. He is writing to encourage believers not to be sucked back into a religion of works, which does not bring us closer to God or make us more holy. It is through this section that I am reminded of the importance of living a testimony of our faith in Jesus one step at a time.

     Let’s look at a couple of areas that are always important to keep in mind. First, remember what God has rescued us from. Paul was on a path of his own making and going nowhere. He writes, “For you have heard of my former life in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it. And I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people, so extremely zealous was I for the traditions of my fathers.” (Galatians 1:13–14). Most of us are familiar with some paths, which could be our own as well, that go nowhere fast! Like Paul, all that remained of our early years was destruction, even if we thought we were something to brag about at the time.

      Second, God coming into our lives has a way of changing everything. I love the next word in what Paul writes. “But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me;”(Galatians 1:15-16a). “But”. An encounter with Jesus changed everything. A man living for himself thrusting his fist in God’s face would now bow his knee to The Savior. The work of God’s grace in Paul’s life and in our own lives is something we never want to forget…the glorious day when God opens the eyes of our faith to receive His grace. Just as Paul shares his coming to Christ at least three times in the Bible, we also need to share God’s work in our lives with others. It encourages them and strengthens us!

      Third, we see the testimony of God’s continuous work in a believer’s life. Paul’s testimony is filled out in his other writings. The Lord not only worked in Paul’s life but also is now at work in ours through Paul’s testimony. I would be surprised if every Christian with access to a Bible has not been touched and transformed by the life of this godly man. Living for Christ is something that we should not only consider but actively work toward in our lives. Then we can join the humble servant of Christ in saying, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7).

     I hope every one of us has been touched by the faithful life of another follower of Jesus. The choices that we make matter. Let us leave a testimony for others to follow.

-Pastor Joe Parkinson

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