Every time I drive onto the church property the white fence catches my attention. I remember back to digging the first post hole as well as the last, and all the posts that make up the just under 1000 feet of fencing! Of course I had help, but I am reminded that experiencing God’s work in our lives requires that we give Him something to work with!

If you have been in the faith long enough, you have a good handle on the accounts of God working in the Bible. I wonder if sometimes we stop seeing the wonder of God in those “Sunday School Stories?” I never cease to be amazed when the Holy Spirit illuminates my mind to a new insight on an account that I know so well. This happened to me this past Saturday while reading the account of Jesus feeding the 4000 with seven loaves of bread and a few fish.

There are many practical insights in this account, like why the disciples, being made aware of the need, had already seemed to have forgotten Jesus’ provision in feeding the 5000. “And his disciples answered him, “How can one feed these people with bread here in this desolate place?” (Mark 8:4). This time two different facts in Jesus’ miracle jumped out of the word
into my heart in response to Jesus’ question following their lack of faith. “And he asked them, “How many loaves do you have?” They said, “Seven.”” (Mark 8:5). The second fact, almost a passing statement later in the account states, “And they had a few small fish.” (Mark 8:7a.). It was at this point in my reading that the light went on. Jesus, other than his role as the Creator always works with what is given to Him! I need you to stop and let the truth sink into your heart. I began to think more widely, and it seemed that in every account where God works, He does so by using what is given to Him. God did not give Noah a ship but enabled him to build the ark with the resources available. God transformed a shepherd’s staff! And the list goes on and on of God using what is available.

Back home there is a place in an older portion of the town where I grew up that is known for their 4 foot long sub sandwiches.  It is a huge sandwich. Now, we do not know the size of the seven loaves available to Jesus. What I do know is that it would have taken several hundred of the 4 foot subs to feed Jesus’ audience. I can only image how many loaves would be required! And then we learn that he also had a “few fish”… like that was really going to help make a difference. But that is the point. It is not what we can do, but what we offer to Jesus.

Surrender is one of the greatest offerings that we can offer to our Savior. We often pray for God to solve our situations “Ex Nihilo” Latin for out of nothing. Yet that is not the pattern that we see in the Bible. My open illustration about the fence is that God took what I and our congregation offered to Him, and He multiplied it do His work through us.

Let me add that the small boy who gave his lunch in the feeding of the five thousand and those who donated the bread and the fish made sacrifices that released the power of The Savior in a broken and needy world! Our sacrifice is not limited to material objects but also could be a sacrifice of forgiving a wrong, or helping in a ministry situation!  “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”” Luke 6:38 ESV.

-Pastor Joe Parkinson