Rearview Mirror 10-22-2020

  • It is going to be an interesting fall to go along with a remarkably interesting year. The one thing that we can count on is uncertainty and probably some craziness. I am so thankful that I have the Lord. When it comes to the Wuhan virus we need to remember that the Lord has numbered our days. When it comes to social unrest is important to remember that the Christianity has thrived through centuries of turmoil. I am reminded that we must be on our guard against being controlled by fear.
  • Thank you to everyone that is participating in our 2020 Operation Christmas Child drive. Just a reminder you can still pickup boxes if needed (Please contact George H). The drop off is Sunday November 15th from 1-3pm.
  • The OCC coordinator at Adventure of Faith has reached out looking for help collecting boxes over the collection week of November 16-23. Available slots are from 9Am-Noon and 4PM-7PM. Please contact Tyna H for more information.
  • I want to give a shout out to those helping cover the cost of replacing the Windows on the modular. I know of three donations covering $1100 of the $2000 cost. If you are desiring to be a part just designate your gift as “Windows.” The windows have been ordered and will be installed once they arrive.
  • I do appreciate your prayers as the activity on the Worship Building is now accelerating with a completion date. We are working on finalizing excavation, utilities and sidewalk.
  • I was excited to hear that one family has adopted a portion of the church landscaping. The challenge is for others to adopt a section to help us keep it presentable as a testimony for the Lord. Please contact Pastor Berney if you are interested getting involved.
  • Pastor Joe’s 7 PM Wednesday Night Study is currently NOT meeting due to my schedule.
  • The Men’s group is meeting on Wednesday evenings as well for those guys involved in the study. Contact Pastor Berney for more info.
  • Six8 – Please check out Facebook for the most current information.
  • Our verse for our October Monthly Memory Verse is “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”” Luke 19:10 ESV  This verse reminds us of the importance of our mission as follower of Jesus. We are called to touch lives. If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)
  • We will continue our study on “Lessons for the Journey” from 1 Kings. I am reminded through our study that the Lord is not limited by politics. We appreciate your prayers as we work through the text each week seeking the Lord’s direction for this Sunday. Your prayers for the ministry are appreciated.

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