Rearview Mirror 9-10-2020

  • I was reminded again this week that followers of Jesus are not “wrestling against flesh and blood.” It is true that our interactions are with individuals but there is a spiritual battle going on. Let me encourage you to pray for these situations in your life. Prayer does make a difference.
  • I have posted some important information on the Realm of interest to our congregation. Please refer to the Living Hope Church group on the Realm for the specifics.
  • A good portion of the framing has been done on the Office deck. This is the last big task to apply for the final inspection on the property. I am sure that there will be some small things that need to be taken care of, but things are moving forward.  Our worship building is being built. They are currently waiting for the permit from L&I. Please pray for this to come through.
  • We need help on painting the skirt of the office building. We also need help with pulling weeds. We will need help with cleaning the Office Modular too.
  • Gals involved in the Ladies Discipleship group will next be meeting Saturday September 12, 10am – Noon @ Nina’s home. Please contact Caryl Parkinson for specifics.
  • Also for the Ladies is a reminder of the Bridal Shower for Sarah Parkinson on Saturday September 19, 10-Noon at the Parkinson’s. A light brunch will be served. Please RSVP to Caryl.
  • Pastor Joe’s 7 PM Wednesday Night Study started back up yesterday on Zoom.
  • The Men’s group is meeting on Wednesday evenings as well for those guys involved in the study.
  • Just a reminder that Six8 is now meeting each week at Schramek’s. There is a general “Hangout” on Tuesdays for all Jr & Sr High. The Sr. high group is meeting on Friday evenings. The Jr High group meets on Sunday evenings. Please contact Pastor Zac for specifics. A carpool is being provided from the church property for the Sunday Jr. High group. 
  • Our September Monthly Memory Verse is “Let not your heart envy sinners, but continue in the fear of the Lord all the day.” Proverbs 23:17 ESV  This verse is important because it reminds us not to become distracted by those not following the Lord. If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)
  • This week we will be looking at a passage from 1 Kings 12 that reminds us of the importance of God’s blessing in our lives. It is easy for us to take this for granted because we don’t always see it. I do appreciate your prayers as we dig into 1 Kings 12 for this week’s message. Thank You.

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