Rearview Mirror 5-7-2020

  •      Happy Mother’s Day Sunday! Moms we are so thankful for all that you do and especially for those that show us our Savior through their actions. We love you. Happy special day.
  •      Just a reminder we have a special Mother’s Day gift for each mom. Thanks to our Women’s Ministry Team for keep this tradition going. Since there is no formal service, the gifts will distributed at the church property, 2692 SE Sedgwick Rd, this SATURDAY from Noon to 1PM. Mom’s are encouraged to do a drive through pickup and say Hi to the other moms!
  •       I want to say Thank You to everyone that has been a part of our ministry. It has been a blessing to me to see the Lord working in so many lives even during this difficult time. It is also a blessing to see that ministry goes on without a physical location to call our own. I also want to say Thank You to everyone that has supported the ministry financially these past months. You gifts allow us to do what we do each week. Thank You.
  •      We do covet your prayers as we navigate the days ahead. Just like you we are trying to figure out what ministry the Lord desires us to do at this time. WE have questions on starting up Sunday services and what they will look like. It is more interesting considering the repairs of the Marcus Whitman fire damage is expected to take at least 2 months. We are also in the middle of trying to figure out if and how to do CLEAT Soccer Camp this summer. We are needing direction on the new Worship Modular process. I am confident that the Lord will direct us but I do covet your prayers for wisdom.
  •      The Ladies Discipleship group is on for this Saturday at 10AM using ZOOM. They will be using the same ZOOM link and credentials from the Ladies Retreat (CLICK HERE).  You can also access ZOOM directly using an app. Join meeting 721 196 311. Contact Caryl Parkinson for the password.
  •      I have really enjoyed our Wednesday Evening Bible Study at 7pm on ZOOM (Zoom Link) I have been very happy with the way that it is going. Yes, it would be better if we met in person, but the video chat format is working very well. If you are interested in digging a little deeper into the Sunday message, I encourage you to join us.
  •      We continue to refine our Sunday Livestream on Facebook Live and Youtube. We will be Streaming again this  Sunday at 10 AM  to both Facebook and YouTube. (Clink Links).
  •      We continue to make progress on the church property. The property team has submitted changes to the Worship Modular plans. The desire is to get things done so that our part is ready once things open up. We have also had inspections on completing the SDAP. There are a couple of things that need to get resolved but we are making progress. The big item is that the L&I Electrical inspection was completed today! This means that PSE can schedule the power installation at the property. This is very good news.
  •      Just a reminder for those with Kids at home that Kendra has “Sunday School” curriculum for those parents interested. It can also be a wonderful source for a family devotion time (maybe after dinner around the table). Please contact her.
  •     Let me remind you to join OnRealm our private online church communication platform. Invitation is by request by sending an email and phone number to or contact Pastor Joe.
  •      I want to thank those that have been supporting the ministry financially. I learned yesterday that our General Fund giving has fallen a little behind. It you are able to help, it would be appreciated. You can send donations via mail, bill pay or Living Hope Online Giving(Clink Link). The church address for mail options is: Living Hope Church, P.O. Box 908, Port Orchard, WA 98366. Please contact Nathan F or Pastor Joe with any questions.
  •      For May our memory verse is Galatians 6:10. ““So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10 ESV If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)
  •      This week’s message takes a look at investing in our ministry. Our culture does not place much value in the church or Christian leaders, but God does. One of the manifestations of the “Fruit of the Spirit in Action” is investing in the Lord’s work. This week we will be picking up with Galatians 6:6 as we move forward in our study. I do appreciate your prayers for the pastors as we prepare not only for our time together on Sunday buy also for the ministry we do all throughout the week. Thank you for praying.

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