Rearview Mirror 3-14-2019

  • It has been another wonderfully crazy week at the church office. We are working hard to get things back in order after the move. I have been working on a number of changes that will be beneficial to us now and also once we move to the property. It is just taking time to work them all out. I want to give a shout out to everyone that has been helping to keep things rolling and get things in order. Thank You
  • It was good to meet as guys for a Flapjacks and Fellowship. We picked back up our study on understanding the Bible. This past week we dealt with the challenge of the different cultures, the Bible and ours. I want to give a shout out to Pastor Berney for the awesome breakfast. Guys, I hope you will plan to join us next month.
  • Ladies, just a reminder that the next Ladies Discipleship group is this Saturday March 16.
  • Guys, just a reminder that the Men’s Retreat at Camp Gilead is just a few weeks away April 5-6. Please take a moment to register online at and let Pastor Berney know that you are coming. We are planning to carpool to camp together on Friday afternoon.
  • There has been nothing new on the property. I have been working on a few details related to the Modular Purchase and getting it on the property. Please continue to pray for our SDAP permit and for the need to work out the excavating piece.
  • Thanks to everyone that has submitted a request to join the Realm as our new church software program. If you are having troubles getting on, please contact Pastor Joe. If you would like to be part of the Realm, please contact Pastor Joe with your email.
  • Our March MMV reminds us of our true source of hope and the future that we have to look forward to. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:6 ESV)  If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • We will continue our study in Salvation. This Sunday our focus will be on Justification in the message titled, “Right with God. The truth that we are judicially clean before God can be difficult to grasp. It is another profound and encouraging truth about our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is my prayer that we would be motivated to live up to what we have gained in Jesus. Thanks for your prayers. Please continue to pray that God would work in me first, so that He can work through me!  

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