Rearview Mirror 1-17-2019

I want to give a shout out to each person that is serving the Lord at Living Hope. We have been working so hard for so long that it is easy to take each other for granted. I am reminded of Hebrews 6:10 “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.” This verse speaks to the awesome congregation of Living Hope. Thank you for your part.

It was great to lead our 101 Discovering Church Membership Class this past Saturday. It is always a blessing to me to be reminded of why we are doing what we are doing. I also want to give a shout out to Sarah J for the awesome meal. Thank You.

I understand that while the Membership Class was being held that the ladies had a great time at the Ladies Discipleship Group this past Saturday. I want to say thanks to Amy F. for hosting this vital time for our ladies to get together and be encouraged by God’s Word and each other.

We saw a number of breakthroughs on the Sedgewick property this week. They may seem small but they are huge because they are direct answers to specific prayers. We were able to obtain a copy of the prints of the modular from the manufacturer. Also, we secured the last piece needed to resubmit our SDAP permit. We do not have a commitment for water and sewer for the site.

Guys, several years ago we took a flyer on a the Johnny Hunt Men’s video conference. It was such a blessing to those in attendance that it has become a must do event. Guy, you need to make it happen. You will not regret your decision. Plan to join the other men in our church on Friday evening January 25 and then again on Saturday January 26 for a great time sitting under God’s Word with other men. Please fill out the insert this weekend so that we can plan.

Our January MMV will be the next verse in Psalm 23, verse 4. It is a reminder that they Lord has our backs and is working to keep us on track. We are also reminded that our lives are a testimony before others to Him. “He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:4)  If you are needing some accountability with working on your verse please check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)

I am looking forward to our time in the Word this weekend as we continue our study of the details of Salvation in our “A New You” series. This week I am focusing on God’s calling but have found it necessary to speak to touch on Election. I do covet your prayers that the Lord would give me understanding as I study. It is my hope that our time would be more than academic in our lives. I am working towards leaving time for questions after the message. Thank you for praying!

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