Will I Leave a Legacy?

It is easy to be consumed with the crazy busyness of our lifestyles. I was recently reminiscing on our schedule with five school age kids living at home. It was a phase when our schedules were dictated by family activities. You know- get this child to this and pick up another child at that and oh, pick this one up on the way home…. The truth be told while we have moved into the phase of empty nesters, our schedule is just as crazy in a different way. It is easy to miss the opportunity to ask ourselves if the choices we are making are building a legacy.


I have the habit of signing a life passage below my name. It is a passage that impacted me as a very young Christian. It touched the heart and stirred my passion as a follower of Jesus and it still does to this day. Let’s talk about these three verses as they relate to you and me. “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12–14)


We finished our sermon series, “God Use Me!” Our time in 2 Samuel challenged us through David’s example to be a person that is intentional about living for Jesus. I hear the same heartbeat from the Apostle Paul. I hope that people hear it from me and you too.


Now the challenge with leaving a legacy is that it is a divine and human partnership. It requires God to work and depends on the individual allowing God to use them. We understand that at the end of the day, Jesus receives all the credit, but we do play a part in the impact we will have with our lives. Here are a couple insights.


First, there are no perfect people. I developed this Sunday. King David was far from perfect. We know of a few huge failures. It is unfortunate that that is often what people think when King David comes to mind. He left a tremendous legacy in Israel and even to this day. Paul reminds us that we cannot allow past failures and mistake to keep us from pursuing serving Jesus.


Second, the motivation is God’s grace. Paul had a strong gasp of what it meant to be a Christian. He was motivated to live up to all of the blessing and benefits that come through Christ. Grace is an incredible motivator for those that can get over themselves. You must keep your focus on Jesus.


Third, we need to run to win. The challenge for many professing followers of Jesus is that they are running the wrong race or not running at all. It is easy to spend our lives focusing on the here and now and to make choices driven by our own comfort. It is because we are running for the wrong prize. Paul reminds us to purse those coveted words of acknowledgement from Jesus, “Well done good and faithful servant!”


So what is the goal of your life. They say if you do not have a goal you will always hit it. And I would add, and not have much of an impact for your Savior!


-Pastor Joe Parkinson


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