Rearview Mirror 2-9-2017

  • It sounds like everyone survived the snow storm this week. I am thankful that everyone is doing well. Hopefully this is the last storm before Spring. Just a reminder, if you have a need for help don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Joe. The Ministry Center, which normally has very stable power, may also be available in the event that you are without electricity.
  •  I hope you are working on our February Monthly Memory Verse (MMV). Come prepared to recite 2 Peter 1:3 this Sunday. If you are looking for a good phone app, I recommend the Scripture Typer App. (IOS and Android)
  • Thanks to all the ladies that celebrated at Stephanie’s Baby Shower this past Saturday. It is a huge blessing to have church family encourage new families!
  • Just another reminder to be a part of Family Camp this Summer. We will be heading back to Lake Cushman over the weekend of August 25-27. If you are interested please let us know so we can reserve a site for you. It is also a great event to bring a friend.
  • I am excited that we have three guys interested in being Baptized on Sunday February 26th. If you have questions or are interested please speak with Pastor Joe.
  • There have been no updates on our Conditional Use Permit this week. Just keep praying for the Lord’s direction and blessing in this next step of the process. Pray that the county review would go well and result in our being able to get this finalized.
  • There is a need for additional helpers in our Sunday KidsZone Ministry and for our Sunday evening AWANA program. If you are interested, please talk to Kendra D. (KidsZone) and Pastor Berney (AWANA).
  • Thanks to those that have submitted memory verses. The pastors will be reviewing the submissions for the March verse. Please text, email your favorite verse and the reason why.
  • Men, in addition to our other studies a New Men’s group is meeting on Tuesday evening at 7pm at the Ministry Center. If you are interested please speak to one of the pastors.
  • Ladies, just a reminder that the Ladies Bible Study is meeting on Wednesday evenings. Please contact Sharlene for more specifics.
  • We continue our Reboot series with an emphasis on outreach in a sermon titled, “Making Time for Others.” Pastor Zac will be opening God’s Word this weekend on this important area of our lives. I know that he would appreciate your prayers as he prepares for Sunday.

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