- Summer does not officially end until September 22nd so we still have time to enjoy these last days of summer. But practically speaking, culturally, summer ends when the school year begins and that is just around the corner. I hope you have had a great summer and were able to carve out some time for yourself and your family. The start of the school year is also the time we begin our next year of ministry. I am excited for what the future months hold in store. Let me remind you it is time to roll up our sleeves!
- The plans for our Fall Campaign are coming together. Our new series will be “Endangered Relationships” as we look at Biblical helps to rescuing the relationships in our lives beginning with our relationship with God and including our marriage, adult and school age children and even with our neighbors. Let me encourage you to start praying for our newest outreach campaign.
- We will be launching our Fall Campaign Sunday September 18th. We have some special events planned. Keep you eyes on the Sunday bulletin for more information.
- There will be a Women’s Ministry Launch Dinner, Friday September 23, at 6pm at the Ministry Center. We are excited to have Sue Lunsford, wife of our new regional director, as the guest speaker. The cost is $25 per person.
- There will be an AWANA leaders meeting Sunday September 11th at 6pm at the Ministry Center for all those interested in helping our students learn God’s Word. Please contact Pastor Berney with any questions.
- Six8 Youth Group will be having an end of summer Overnighter. Youth will meet at the Ministry Center at 7pm on Sept. 9th with $10 and be picked up at 7am on Sept. 10th.
- We will be needing help with counting the mailers. This will probably happen next week. If you are interested in helping, please contact Pastor Joe.
- It is hard to believe that we will be wrapping up our Celebrate Summer series this week. I hope you have been as blessed as I have been from the reenactments of the Biblical accounts from 1 Samuel. Continue to pray for our special guest this week as we conclude out