Rearview Mirror 12-03-2015

  • It is hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner. Let me remind you to keep your focus, this holiday season, on relationships. Take time to hold the door for the person coming behind you. Remember to say your please and thank yous. Don’t forget to treat the store clerks and waiters/waitresses with dignity. Let’s not forget that we represent Jesus and this is a great time to live that out before others!
  • A very Big Thank You to Carrie L for her help with the Six-8 Christmas wreaths. I also want to thank those that helped to purchase the wreaths and for those that supported our students by purchasing wreaths. Now I need you to pray that the Lord would work in our youth and leaders at this year’s Teen Leadership Conference.
  • Ladies don’t forget that this next Friday December 11th is the Annual Ladies Christmas Party. There will be the exciting Ornament exchange as well as good treats and great fellowship. I hope you are able to be a part of what the Lord is doing in the lives of our ladies.
  • Each year we spend the last Sunday before Christmas Caroling. We will be caroling at the Veterans Facility in Retsil again this year on Sunday December 20th. We will be meeting at the Ministry Center at 3pm and carpooling there. There will be a meal for a small donation after caroling. I hope you will make plans to join us for this event.
  • Guys, our Men’s group is meeting Thursday morning 10:30AM at the Ministry Center. We are using the sermon questions in the back of the sermon inserts.
  • Just a reminder that this Sunday is the deadline to register those planning to attend TLC, the Teen Leadership Conference, over December 29-31 at Washington Family Young Life Camp in central Oregon. Registration with a $50 deposit needs to be in by Sunday December 7th.
  • We will be wrapping up “The God Question” series this week with the message “What’s the Purpose of the Church?” We all have an idea of what we think the church is, but we will take time to look at how the Bible defines the church and its purpose for existing! It has been a crazy week for me dealing with some computer problems. So I appreciate your prayers for me as I focus on getting into God’s Word. Pray that God would speak to my heart so that I could speak to your heart!

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