Rearview Mirror 11-19-2015

  • The house is down. The house is down! No, I am not talking about the recent storms that have knocked out power for many in our area. What I am talking about is good news if you have been following our progress on the property. The abandoned home of the property was demolished this past Saturday after many hours of work. Whew.  I want to say Thank You to those that made this a reality.
  • Our Operation Christmas Child drive is coming to a close. Please make sure to get your boxes to the pickup table this Sunday. Just remember that you effort will touch the heart of a child that is not as blessed as we are. This Sunday November 22nd is your last week to get your box included in this year’s drive.
  • Ladies let me encourage you to be part of the new ladies study that meets at the Ministry Center on Wednesday evening at 6:30pm.
  • Guys our Men’s group is meeting Thursday morning at 10:30AM at the Ministry Center. We are using the sermon questions in the back of the sermon inserts.
  • The Six-8 Christmas Wreaths will be available this Sunday. Thank you to everyone that preordered your wreath. There will be some extras available for a cost of $15 each. Your purchase of a wreath is one way to support what God is doing in the hearts and lives of our young people.
  • Just a reminder that our Quarterly Congregational Meeting will be this Sunday, November 22nd at 4pm at the Ministry Center.
  • Our general fund giving could use a financial boost. I want to say Thank You to those are faithful in giving. If you are able to do extra it could be a huge blessing.
  • The focus for this Sunday in our “God Question” series will be “How Can a Good God Allow Suffering?” This is a question that challenges all of us. I do desire your prayer support as I study for and then share truths from God’s Word that will help us to wrestle with this very important question.

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