This week we launch our Thanksgiving series, "Thanks Be To God!" We will be unpacking six times that phrase is used in the New Testament to focus on four reason…
Our last installment of Church? Why Belong... Why Bother? challenges us to consider what Jesus says about fruitfulness on a local church. It really is a great challenge as we…
The Christian life is a journey that is shared with others followers of Christ. Our time in the Word will focus on Four Ways that Soccer is very similar to…
Part of the definition of life includes difficulties and trials. Yet the Bible reminds us that the follower of Jesus can live a victories life in spite of the difficulties.…
The writer of Hebrews calls us to be "intentional" about our faith. We will be looking at the first two of thirteen "Let Us" statements. Each of these verse challenge…
The first place to start when we think of a heart for God, is our focus on the Creator. But our worship of God permeates every area of our lives.…
It is easy to forget Jesus calls not to be just good, but great for Him. This week we look at a third "Godly" King in a row. He was…
It is easy to ignore the Old Testament accounts provided for us. The Apostle reminds us that those accounts were given for our instruction. We will be looking at three…
This week we take a break from our series on "Conversations in Trusting the Lord" from Proverbs 3:1-12 for a Baptismal Service. Baptism should be the second major step for…
It is easy to overlook the powerful instructions in the book of Proverbs. It has been described as one of the most practical portions of the Scriptures. Our series "Conversations…