It is vital for us to hear from the lives of those that have invested in living out their faith. This series will unpack the practical wisdom that Solomon attempted…
The New Year presents a great time to evaluate our lives and to take steps to improve over the next 12 months. It is also a great time to start…
I recently asked a couple groups of adults, what they would say was the hardest phase of parenting. It was acknowledged that every phase of parenting presented it's challenges. But,…
I would think the every married couple has faced "challenges" with family members. The challenges can have a negative impact on a married if they are ignored or handled the…
Marriage is one of the areas that we receive little to no training. What makes matters worse is that many times our parents were figuring it out as the go…
Jesus words to the church at Sardis reminds us that Jesus' perspective and priorities are at times different that our own. The church at Sardis thought it was alive but…
The Lord's message to the church at Thyatira is to "take Me seriously!" The church was embracing the false teaching of a false teacher that they had allowed into leadership.…
A proper interpretation and understanding of the Bible requires a knowledge of how words are used to communicate. God's design for language include a number of ways that we use…
Satan's primary attack against God's people is lies and deceptions planted in their minds. We will be looking at the believers response to these spiritual attacks.
Bible Text: 1 Kings 6 | Preacher: Berney Gorsuch, Joseph Parkinson | Series: Lessons for the Journey | This week we look at two lessons for "Going the Distance for…