Solomon, coaching his son, to "Trust the Lord" reminds him in verses 3:7-8 of the requirement for humility. Authentic trust requires that we humble ourselves before the Lord and others.…
Our Songs of Christmas series will be exploring "Mary's Song" this week from the perspective of how genuine faith makes a difference in us and in our world. We will…
Paul reminds follower of Jesus of the importance of becoming like Jesus. This week we will be look at the Lord's other-centeredness in His taking on flesh and dying on…
This passage reveals Solomon's failure. It reminds us of our need to be on our toes as follower of Christ. We will be developing three lessons from the passage that…
Solomon's benediction of the completed temple reveals not only theology or liturgy but his heart. It is a heart that is desiring not to build a monument for himself but…
Our passage reveal the a Godly 20 year old man as he started his reign as King of Israel. We gain a glimse King Solomon's life. A life that is…
Our passage, while containing a well known verses on reaping and sowing, begins with a challenge to support those that teach us God's truth. We explore the importance investing in…