The writer of Hebrews calls us to be "intentional" about our faith. We will be looking at the first two of thirteen "Let Us" statements. Each of these verse challenge…
We bring our series "Gifts for CHRIST-mas" to a conclusion as we celebrate Christmas as a church family this Sunday. What a joy it is to worship with our congregation…
This week we continue our Christmas series by opening with our third gift for Christ this CHRIST-mas. Our holiday celebrations are most often focused on the receiving. The Bible reminds…
We can and do experience many sources of joy in our lives. Some might refer to this level of joy as happiness. The Bible reminds us of a joy that…
The account of the Wisemen reminds of the call to worship at Christmas. This devotion to the creator is contrast by the hostility of the Herod and the disinterest of…
This week in our "Songs of Christmas" we will explore "Simeon's Song." It reminds us that there is more to true joy than all the good and fun things we…
We will be looking at the Christmas account through Zechariah's Song. Song lyrics often flow from the heart of the writer. The Biblical psalms and songs are no different. They…
Marriage is one of the areas that we receive little to no training. What makes matters worse is that many times our parents were figuring it out as the go…
We conclude our study with a look at the churches of Philadelphia and Laodicea. These two churches represents the best and the worst of churches. We will look at insights…