A team is required to do the Lord's work. Today we launch the next phase of our series in Intentional Leadership with a look at the role of deacons and…
Family is a concept that we all understand. It could be bad or good, it is something that we have experienced. It is easy to miss the significance of those…
I would think the every married couple has faced "challenges" with family members. The challenges can have a negative impact on a married if they are ignored or handled the…
Marriage is one of the areas that we receive little to no training. What makes matters worse is that many times our parents were figuring it out as the go…
We live in a world that seems to expect instant results. It could be same day shipping or access to online information. The simple reality is that marriage begins with…
Bible Text: 2 Samuel 13 | Preacher: Joseph Parkinson | Series: Let God Use Me
Bible Text: Genesis 3:15-19, Matthew 7:3-5 | Preacher: Joseph Parkinson | Series: Happily Ever After My pastoral and personal experience leads me to believe that all spouses have a desire…