Our study on the qualifications for an Overseer continue this week as we look at the next 7 of 21 qualifications given in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. The…
Leadership makes a difference. The Bible identifies the qualities of a Godly Leader. We will be unpacking 22 different points that we need to look for in those we elevate…
This week we will be looking at God's leadership structure for the local church. Our focus will be on the position of Pastor, Elder and Overseer. We will be touch…
One of the most overlooked aspect of the Christian life is our God given responsibility to influence others for Christ, leadership. Our new series Intentional Leadership will been unpacking what…
Character is easily overlooked. It is however one of the marks of a genuine follower of Jesus. It is was makes Christians different. While everyone can demonstrate character the full…
The Apostle Paul provides us with a review and a call to committing to do ministry as he addresses the believers in Corinth. He takes the time to address them…
We learn of the account of the killing of a Godly man Naboth by an the evil King Ahab and his Queen Jezebel. It is a dark passage but it…