Bible Text: 1 Kings 8:22-53 | Preacher: Joseph Parkinson | Series: Lessons for the Journey | Solomon's benediction of the completed temple reveals not only theology or liturgy but his…
Bible Text: 1 Kings 6 | Preacher: Berney Gorsuch, Joseph Parkinson | Series: Lessons for the Journey | This week we look at two lessons for "Going the Distance for…
Bible Text: 1 Kings 5 | Preacher: Berney Gorsuch, Joseph Parkinson | Series: Lessons for the Journey | This week we work through Solomon's preparation for building a "House for…
Bible Text: 1 Kings 4 | Preacher: Berney Gorsuch, Joseph Parkinson | Series: Lessons for the Journey | This week we will be working through a passage revealing God's blessing…
Bible Text: 1 Kings 3:1-14 | Preacher: Joseph Parkinson | Series: Lessons for the Journey | Our passage reveal the a Godly 20 year old man as he started his…
Bible Text: 1Kings 1 | Preacher: Berney Gorsuch, Joseph Parkinson | Series: Lessons for the Journey | Today we launch our new Celebrate Summer series "Lessons for the Journey" from…
Bible Text: 1 Kings 2:1-4 | Preacher: Berney Gorsuch, Joseph Parkinson | Series: Lessons for the Journey | This week we celebrate Father Day by looking at the Lessons from…
Bible Text: Galatians 6:14-16 | Preacher: Berney Gorsuch, Joseph Parkinson | Series: Galatians-Living Above the Conflict | Paul reminds us of the answer to life's challenges, the Gospel of Jesus…
Bible Text: Galatians 6:11-13 | Preacher: Joseph Parkinson | Series: Galatians-Living Above the Conflict | Paul valediction (closing statements) calls the Galatians (and us) to stand firm in the faith. …
Bible Text: Galatians 6:10 | Preacher: Berney Gorsuch, Joseph Parkinson | Series: Galatians-Living Above the Conflict | The application to the Holy Spirit's work in our lives is that we…