God's mercy will make a difference in our lives. The Apostle Paul reminds us to get into the game. This also means that we have to avoid some of the…
God admonition to His people when faced with fear in following Him is to "Stop Crying - God Forward!" These are essential God's word when during the Exodus from Egypt…
Follower of Jesus live life on a different than those that do not yet know Jesus. The difference is the result of God working in them and through them.This should…
Isaiah 9:6 contains a description of the character and roles that the Messiah will bring to our lives. The deep meaning of Christmas is the only real source of hope…
We glean several lessons for hearing God speak in our lives from the account of King Ahab and King Jehoshaphat preparation to go to war with Syria. We are reminded…
We learn of the account of the killing of a Godly man Naboth by an the evil King Ahab and his Queen Jezebel. It is a dark passage but it…
We take times to remind ourselves of our own stubbornness and the Lord perseverance in our lives. We other thing in terms of our perseverance. This week we will be…
The failure of Elijah is not the end but rather the opening of a new chapter of ministry. The Lord is not hindered by our failures, but only our unwillingness…
Our passage reveals that power that fear can have in keeping us from serving the Lord. We are also reminded of the Lord patience in working with us through failure.
The life of Elijah challenges us to live in a secular culture with conviction. There are several lessons on key areas of our lives that call the follower of Jesus…