We will be exploring God's plan for our lives and for our church. God reminds us that His plan was established before he began creating all the exists. His plan…
The question is "Who is the Lord?" Do we really know the true God? This week we will explore one attribute of God, His Love with the desire that it…
Today we launch a new mini-series "Looking to God." We are living in times in which it is easy to become distracted and distanced from our Lord, His people and…
This week we conclude our "Celebrate Summer Series - Authentic Ministry " from 2 Corinthians 13 as we focus on the vital question, "Am I Child of God?" We will…
The Apostle Paul provides us with a review and a call to committing to do ministry as he addresses the believers in Corinth. He takes the time to address them…
This video was taken of me giving the history of Living Hope in a membership Class. This is about two years after we launched the church. It is reminder of…
We are winding down our "Celebrate Summer Series - Authentic Ministry " from 2 Corinthians 12. It is a reminder to Embrace God's Working in My Life. He does this…
All of us face conflict. The challenge is how we respond. We can ignore it. We can make it worse. Or we can engage it Biblically. Our passage in 2…
The Apostle Paul continues his discussion on giving. Our section focuses on the specifics of giving. We will look at how when we give for the proper reasons we “Release…
This week we will be unpacking three "Secrets to a Lifetime of Authentic Ministry." The Apostle Paul does a deep dive on what Bibilcal ministy looks like. It is in…