Our third message from Jesus on the cross is one of faithfulness to others and especially to our parents (or those that cared for us). It is during the last…
One of the marks of maturity is the willingness to embrace God's correction in our lives. This is the last emphasis that Solomon makes to his son. It is also…
This week we take a break from our series on "Conversations in Trusting the Lord" from Proverbs 3:1-12 for a Baptismal Service. Baptism should be the second major step for…
It is easy to overlook the powerful instructions in the book of Proverbs. It has been described as one of the most practical portions of the Scriptures. Our series "Conversations…
It is vital for us to hear from the lives of those that have invested in living out their faith. This series will unpack the practical wisdom that Solomon attempted…
The New Year presents a great time to evaluate our lives and to take steps to improve over the next 12 months. It is also a great time to start…
The account of the Wisemen reminds of the call to worship at Christmas. This devotion to the creator is contrast by the hostility of the Herod and the disinterest of…
This week in our "Songs of Christmas" we will explore "Simeon's Song." It reminds us that there is more to true joy than all the good and fun things we…